Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm back

Hello Bloggerverse... I've been away for a long while but I'm back and have a few things on my mind. First and foremost; politics. I'm sick of it, politics have become a joke. Instead of having political parties such as democrats and republicans, where people will vote just on that alone, why don't we actually learn about our politicians. Take some time to learn about who the fuck your voting for instead of automatically choosing based on there party. And politicians, don't run based on what your party believes, run on what you believe and what your actually going to do. Fuck the lies and the bullshit, democrats and republicans are all liars, period end of story. And FYI if George Bush waited this long to do anything about the oil spill disaster he would have had his head on a platter, I'm not talking shit about Barack Obama, I'm just saying the facts.

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A peek into me

Everything about anything. Controversy and opinions.