Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gay Marriage

First and foremost one does NOT choose to be gay. Just like us heterosexuals didn't choose to be straight, it's something we are born with. That being said, who are we to tell someone that they can't get married because of there sexual orientation. They are no less of a human or a citizen for that matter that they should be denied that constitutional right. I find it funny how hypocritcal our government can be; we say to seperate religion and government but then say that the sanctity of marriage is between a man and a woman. This is exactly the reason why I don't like political parties either, most gay people vote democratic because democrats support gay marriage more than republicans do, however most of these democratic politicians don't do anything for gay rights. It's not fair that someone's partner can't make decisions about them in times of tragedy because legally there not allowed to. I also would like to point out how good gay marriage would be for the adoption world, these babies need homes and these couples want babies, don't deny them that. I think we need to grow up and move forward as a nation and allow gays to marry and have all the same rights as heterosexual couples have.

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