My sources are telling me that the above images are in fact Lady Gaga. What do you guys think of this look?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Americans and Soccer
The following does not apply to all americans, just the Glory Hunting ones. When the world cup started, I noticed there were a lot more soccer fans in the U.S. than I'd ever seen before. I thought, hmm this is funny because I know that 90% of these idiots cheering for the U.S. couldn't tell you what club team all of the players play for, so why are they acting like they care about soccer? Well then I realized as soon as the US got eliminated only the true soccer fans remain interested in the world cup and to be honest, it's a lot more enjoyable without these know nothing's cheering for a sport they know nothing about. And to be even more honest, USA did not deserve to win. A perfect example of this, was the next day in the Post the headline said and I quote "This is a stupid sport anyway," ok guys, that doesn't make the US sound like sore losers at all, congratulations for your sportsmanship and maturity, you guys deserve an award or something. Let's take ESPN for another example, as soon as a game was over they would cut straight to highlights of other sports. Not to mention that all the american commentators should be shot in the face. What do I mean by that? Let's see, when Portugal beat Korea 7-0 one of the ignorant american commentators said "its like they scored a touchdown." The most annoying of the annoyances would have to be Alexi Lalas, for a man who played professional soccer, it amazes me how little he knows about the sport. Besides the fact that hes got a bias for the US team, he had the nerve to say that Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney aren't world class players. Coming from someone who is not a world class player, I wouldn't take his remarks to heart, how would he know what a world class player looks like? All I can say is that I am happy to see the US go home and look forward to seeing an actual talented team win the world cup. Also, while I'm ranting, if I see "Soccer stud Donovan" one more time, I'm going to start punching people in the face.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bands to Listen To

Placebo- Think of daybreakers. Listen to: Pierrot the Clown
The Broken Bells- The lead singers voice is amazing. Listen to: The High Road
Band of Horses- I just love them. Listen to: No one's gonna love you
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Infamous = Famous?
Lately, the line between infamous and famous has become extremely thin, almost non existant. What I mean by this is, take Ashley Dupre for example (the call girl who slept with Eliot Spitzer), instead of being ridiculed and made an example of, she gains fame from this. Since the scandal, she has posed for magazines and even has her own newspaper colum where she gives advice (who wants advice from her?) on god knows what! Other examples include Tiger Woods, Heidi Montag, Lindsay Lohan and who could forget Joey Buttafuco. Honestly, what are we teaching the youth, that it's ok to prositute ourselves? It's ok to attempt murdering someone? It's ok to get massive amounts of plastic surgery at 23? If you ask me, we should pay no mind to these people, forget they exist.
Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes
LAWLZ. How did she get back up, that looks hard. But I do give home girl credit for going to the airport with those insane shoes. She never ceases to amaze the crowd. Although, one bone to pick. Uhm? Chaps? Isn't that Aguilera circa 2002? Whose copying who?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
CAN WE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS OIL SPILL: Celebrities and everyday people are doing whatever they can, but it's still not everybody. If you have a twitter please follow @SophiaBush and @Aus10Nichols. The more followers they get, they will donate money and continue to raise awareness for this cause. Also, let's text NWF to 20222 to make a $10 donation, you can also text COAST to 50555 to donate $10 as well. Another option is to mail a check, or take cash $5, $10, $100 to the bank and get a money order to Global Green. You can then mail that! It's simple ladies and gentlemen, you don't even have to leave your house to make a difference. But please do whatever you can.
Lady and Gaga?
I myself love a good conspiracy theory, mainly because of how convincing they can be. The latest one I've heard is that Lady Gaga is in fact two different people. At first, I thought, that's absolute nonsense. But after looking into it, I started to get a little feeling of belief in this theory. The theory is as follows: Lady Gaga from the "Just Dance," "Poker Face" days, is a different person from the "Alejandro" days. I know it's a little far fetched, but not completely out of the relm of possibility. Let's be honest, Gaga is a wierd individual, and lately she has been looking as ugly as ever. I used to defend her when she first came out, because I did think she was cute (not stunning but cute), just watch the Poker Face and Eh Eh videos. But when the Alejandro video premiered it was like a complete different person. Now, in all honesty she's probably purposely making herself look different. However, everybody take a listen to "Just Dance" then to let's say "Alejandro" or "Bad Romance" for example; you will notice the voice is a little different. Now, why would she be a different person, there are many reasons; such as maybe the actual Lady Gaga couldnt handle the fame (no pun intended) or maybe her producers didn't like where she was going. Who honestly knows why someone would change. Even her outfits as of lately have become more and more ridiculous. She always dressed wierd, but that was just leotards and crazy shoes. Now she finds oddball outfits that you couldn't pay me to wear (honeslty, who goes around NYC in a leather rapist jacket mid summer). I'm not saying that this conspiracy theory is true, but it's just something to think about.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Lady Gaga- Not so much a lady.
Gaga, I love you, but lately you are making it harder and harder to like and respect you. You go to the Mets game dressed in nothing, flip everyone the bird and say it's cause your a "Bronx cheer kinda girl," even though the Mets are from Queens. Then a week later, you go to the Yankees/Mets game, wearing nothing again, with a over sized Yankee Jersey being yet again innapropriate. And in between these two games, you were completely rude to a fan who just wanted to take a picture of you. Don't forget, your still the new kid on the block, and just as quick as you gained your fame, you can loose it. Regardless of that, show some class, being Lady Gaga is not an excuse to be disgusting. Families take there kids to these sporting events, no one wants to see you practically naked as well and grabbing your boobs, thats grosss. Period end of story.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Gay Marriage
First and foremost one does NOT choose to be gay. Just like us heterosexuals didn't choose to be straight, it's something we are born with. That being said, who are we to tell someone that they can't get married because of there sexual orientation. They are no less of a human or a citizen for that matter that they should be denied that constitutional right. I find it funny how hypocritcal our government can be; we say to seperate religion and government but then say that the sanctity of marriage is between a man and a woman. This is exactly the reason why I don't like political parties either, most gay people vote democratic because democrats support gay marriage more than republicans do, however most of these democratic politicians don't do anything for gay rights. It's not fair that someone's partner can't make decisions about them in times of tragedy because legally there not allowed to. I also would like to point out how good gay marriage would be for the adoption world, these babies need homes and these couples want babies, don't deny them that. I think we need to grow up and move forward as a nation and allow gays to marry and have all the same rights as heterosexual couples have.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Christina Aguilera Vs. Lady Gaga
Okay, let me start by saying I'm a huge Christina Aguilera fan, as well as being a Lady Gaga fan. Now, all these Xtina Gaga comparisons are nonsense. If that were the case, you would have to compare Alicia Keys and Beyonce etc. etc. Christina Aguilera has been in the industry for 10+ years, sold millions of records, and let's be honest, has probably THE best voice of our time. Now, Gaga is extremely talented and deserves all of her success; but she is not ORIGINAL. Gaga was inspired by many people including Aguilera, Grace Jones and the Queen B Madonna. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's impossible to be original anymore, what matters is how we take who inspires us and make it our own, and Gaga has done that well, probably better than most. Also, NOBODY owns a fashion, you can't dress similar to someone else without being accused of ripping off them, that's pure bullshit. Christina Aguilera re-invents herself all the time, did we all forget about the huge stir she caused when she brought out the assless chaps? This is yet another version of herself. Aguilera has 5 grammy's to back up her success as well as an amazing voice. Perez Hilton is a huge instigator of this whole drama and only tells one side of the story. For example, Bionic debuted at #3 this week only having sold 112,000 copies. This is true, but let's look at it realistically and factually, album sales are on a downward slump and have been for quite some time now. Also, The Fame Monster debuted at #5 its first week out having sold 170,000 copies, and The Fame debuted at #17. So yes, Aguilera didn't have great success but the number one record sale this week was the Glee album and it only sold about 150,000 copies where as in the Fame Monsters first week the number one album (Susan Boyle -___-) sold 700,000 copies. These are facts, numbers don't lie. Truth be told we can like both, it doesn't have to be either or, so let's stop hating on one or the other. Either way, Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga will both continue to have success. Also, Xtina is 100x prettier than Gaga... just sayin mother fuckers.
Perez Hilton Redux
Ok, normally I would defend Mr. Hilton, but it's becoming more and more obvious to me that he is an idiot. Not only is he late on reporting things, but he's a bit of a hater. BUT putting all that aside, I want to adress the Miley Cyrus photo scandal. Now, he is a well known blogger and many people follow him so if he posts something word gets out pretty fast. That being said, Perez, you are a 32 year old man, I don't care if your gay, you have NO business even talking about a 17 year old girl none the less posting scandalous pictures of her. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, but there is a limit and we should not go past it. Also, STOP being a hypocrite. You cannot call Christina Aguilera fan's, stans, when you are the biggest Lady Gaga stan there is.
I'm back
Hello Bloggerverse... I've been away for a long while but I'm back and have a few things on my mind. First and foremost; politics. I'm sick of it, politics have become a joke. Instead of having political parties such as democrats and republicans, where people will vote just on that alone, why don't we actually learn about our politicians. Take some time to learn about who the fuck your voting for instead of automatically choosing based on there party. And politicians, don't run based on what your party believes, run on what you believe and what your actually going to do. Fuck the lies and the bullshit, democrats and republicans are all liars, period end of story. And FYI if George Bush waited this long to do anything about the oil spill disaster he would have had his head on a platter, I'm not talking shit about Barack Obama, I'm just saying the facts.
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