Perez Hilton, it's a name most of us know, and a site most of us have visited. He's got a lot of followers and a lot of haters. People say he's a loser and he has no life, last time I checked, he's got more of a life then most of us. Yes his job is to blog about celebrities, but let's be honest, who wouldn't want to blog all day and chill with celebrities at parties. He's got his biases, but don't we all; I happen to love Jennifer Aniston (he calls her Maniston, which I do not appreciate), yet I continue to go to his site everyday to see what's going on in the magical world of celebrityland. He's opinionated for sure, but it's his blog. If you don't want to hear it, there's a little red X button at the top right of your screen. Give the guy credit, he made a name for himself by himself and he's even written books. He's got his own website that gets probably millions of hits a day, shit I'd do it too. It's a great thing when people listen to you, and he takes advantage of it... so kudos Perez Hilton.
Cant hate on success, unless it's Twilight, cuz that's just bullshit